Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise from Bartlesville, Oklahoma (2024)

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Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprisei

Bartlesville, Oklahoma

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THE BARTLESVILLE BARTLESVILLE OKLAHOMA TUESDAY JANUARY 6 1942 ES PAGE FOUR Give That Gentleman Twenty Silver Dollars! Partly Gossip Partly True SERIAL STORY TAMBAY GOLD BY SAMUEL HOPKI NS ADAMS nba aaavicE i 1 I i Well I dm well proltakly till have Harry Bridges with ui We will if tne appeal board whose decision wa announced yesterday lent upset somewhere somehow I ret terribly terribly weary of alt tnia talk about diitluyally fifth columns etc etc from those who rondo ne the prewmee of aach a bird aa Bridge in thene United States particularly in a critical war period auch aa thin Having lived in recent yeara on the went coaat and thus having aeon pretty much find hand on? of Bridge' doing it make me aoc red green blue and purple It make me aee double rad green blue and purple when I conaidcr that native-born American have been arreated for merely writing to congreaa to criticise' war conduit or express other maybe not opinion expraaa hut opinion that mult Ijdied ten ihoua- ahd fold wouldn't he half a dan-genua aa the continued preumce af Bridge in the high place in labor which he occupies I have eaid it before and let me aay it again: I am not a "witch hunter" But by every law of aimple nation coinmon-aenae and American decency Bridge ahould have been booted out lock- atock-and-barrel yeara ago Now however we aee niu preaence eon' doned hie nefarioua aabotage of defenae industry legalixed at least tacitly And now he has the effrontery to aay he i going to apply for arici American citiunship! If he get it wall that'll be darned near the last straw unleaa granting of eitiaenahlp Would be followed by hi elevation to the nee ret ary of iaborehipi -1 think that every mother fattier brother aiater or wife with a dear one in service ought to march on Washington to demand hia expulsion Think of iti An acknowledged trouble-maker a known communist ia allowed to remain here and to continue hia un-' savory leadership of labor in war timeal It'a just about the most sickening display that'a happened since Pearl Harbor And I wonder if Americans are going to stand for it? Things like the Bridge incident are what make 100 per cent Americans wonder at times what'a the matter with our leadership Things like the 40-hour week in vital defense industries also make lot mort wonder whoa war this is who is fighting and for whom It ia not particularly jileasant In timea like these to criticise those in high places But a sense of fitness of things and a sense of decency and of Americanism now and then make me boil over not alone in these feelings As I have remarked before the "little the yous and me1 multiplied millions of tinn Well I teas prepared for whiskers but thin bird looked like the playere bench of tho House of David Above the waist ha wort a pair of sun-glasses aftsrnoon Prof" I said fctaefttwrf BIBLE TIIIMGHT FOB THIS EVENING: RicMked I Ike man that eu-darelb leaiplallaai for when he 1 tried he shall receive the crane of life ehlrh the Lord hath premised to them that leie Jume Jill Why comes teiuixatloii but fur man In meet and mauler and make crouch beneath his font and au be pedeNialcd III Hubert Brawn log for this sort of thing forever Maybe weVe too emotional on the subject but the kind we're asked to fight and to pay isnt an unemotional thing And Kwt now our stomach just Id down Harry Bridges and several other things that are taking way from rather than adding to our war effmt this plei Roosevelt: You a chief executive have virtually absolute powers conferred on you for this emergency by we the people through uur elected congress You can with the stroke of a pen or a call on the phone at your elbow get rid of Bridge will you in the name of common American decen cy do it? We all hope ao And aa long as in a somewhat critical frame of mind I'm going to vent another pemonal peeve It seems to me (and I note of late that congress too is st Mr ih layor i York and that the civilian defenae job also is as much aa any one man should attempt to handle So inasmuch a there are quite a few able guyw left among the other Americana he should resign one of the two in the in terest bf efficiency both for civilian defense and for New York City Scientists say the universe ia no longer expanding Well at that it's probably a helluva lot bigger than the naxia thought it was CENSORSHIP DEPT TO THE Up to Date" column of the Denver Post Gene Lindberg contribute the following: "The boy stood on the (censored) deck Whence all but he (deleted) (Thi maeage give out ehipping newe and cannot bo com pleted)" WAR HORROR DISCOUNTED THE STATE EDITOR of the Ogden (Utah) Standard-Examiner who enlisted in the navy sent the following to several of hia rural correspondents: "I enlisted in the navy yesterday I probably will bs dead within two months But after looking over your copy for the past year or so I realist that aome things art worse than deathl Sincerely State Editor" Thousands of Filipinos in the married (a a email town In Massachusetts In 1901 TEX YEARS AGO The newly organised Bartlesville Rifle and Pistol club held its first about last night at it indoor range in the basem*nt of the Rex pool hall an Bauth Johnstone Simpson lad tha shooters with 8 Hereford second 4 The Christmas trees srecisd in the street intersections tor the holidays ere being removed today Rneseir McKnlght wee Installed as master councilor of the DeMo-lay last night succeeding Glenroy Blllbe Mias Alverta Chaney bee returned to her borne In Independence Kan after visiting old friends here She formerly lived to Bartlesville Mr and Mrs Blakeley their small ion and their da tight' er Arlene have returned to their home at Garden City Kan after a holiday visit with Mr and Mrs Clyde By Gailbraitb planes saying they were silting on a powder keg? Will Turkey fight? Maybe but they have not said so and they nobably if Hitler jumps Sardinia into Tunisia For the winter campaigns in Africa and the near east Hitler again will enjoy imier line of supply whereas tha British will have difficulty shifting forces and supplies With the British fleet dispersed ever the Atlantic and Mediterranean is Britain well fixed meet aa invasion threat? Wa could lose this war the guys who fight war a miLa hbu aUsiu lu and who the TIIK rniSil Hasne IS ream Iks cm sill Be trailer "ttrederla" stops at roo-Sama Taaifcsy Ptaalsilsa waaalrs a alakrs ladalaa frost Jaaa Asa laOasa laat ml tks arlatoeradr Slaarta llm Moat rrealle fead aad eaetaaa awaiarlra af Taaifcay Inna fcer Sore wlik a rarar akaor dr-rid ra akrld like la park bar frailer fkrra far awhile a a CHAPTER II UVTHAT do I owe you?" I asked her She set down a nice string of mottled perch "That told her a buslncM woman and this la a business "What kind of She said it more to show polite interest than because she cared "Vittles" She draw down her brows at me in a funny cute puxzled way she had handed her my business card a small copy of the road-canvas I hung out wherever settled in for trade Stop A Eat at THE FEEDERXA Everything of the Best Sandwiches with a Soul Coffee with Character Yum-yum Pancake and Succulent Sausage Hoppinjohn from Befo do Wah Biscuits like Grandma Used to Bake Short (Mere to Suit One and AU Mrs Verbena (Mom) Baumer Code ft "Ouch!" she said "Feederte!" I said "Spanish accent but good American cooking Como over and look at the Over the years put a lot of thought and work into my layout I believe anything better on wheels Jane Ann took it all table with benches to hold 12 at pinch stove with a collapsible tin chimney at one end and a wash boiler underneath the plates and cupa racked along the wails and an overhead rolley my own invention tor carrying lilted orders tha neatest thing I ever saw in my life" she said "All it needs la (tending room tor its tour wheels" I said "What do you say to a dollar a "You mean you want to start in business I laid "Listen gaL spread my amoks and wowed the feeders in every state in the Union this 10 yean and better and now about ready to be a violet by a mossy stone tor a spell that stretch of ground producing for you? Sparkleberry and ragweed Could you use the money or She grinned at me a dangerous character Mrs "Skip the I said dangerous only when "But this is a aids aha said "Nothing much comm through be "How do you -1 0 0 0 MTTS mya business to know about J- roads 'and what runs on a short cut booked through here to hook up with the main route BO miles south" got out my road map "Look Here's Tambay Two hoots and a holler down -creek tho new bridge goes in bo a detour set with In a couple of weeks that'll begin to divert the traffle to us And will we be sitting pretty! Brandon tour miles west the hotel there? A dump 20 mites east with a two-by-four inn that'a dying on its feet from trying to put over big-town price Beyond that is Weill ver We ought to bo able to cut in for using tuna as tbelr The Miyako a Japanese restaurant on West 56th Street hue reopened The owner now hte hie photo (in 8 Army uniform) all over the walla 8tewart Igle-hsrt the society polo player refused Life permiah to do a plx layout on him Because te ao Ted Cummings and tbs Gallatin gal borrowed a ear from Fete to elope to Virginia Each had been Jihad by former flames Lura Street af Lift and Robert Jackson of ditto are an elopemantlou They did it Christmas week One of tho biggest yells about Pearl Harbor when It Is' aired will be the revelation that tha shortage of medical supplies then necessitated an over amount of amputations among the casualties The Kyffhaumr Bund a link of tho Fritu Knhneiie held a Christmas celebration In Yorkvillo on Dec ISrd The big moment was the singing of: Will Smash What-the-hell goes on here? i Two of tho Bund mem-bora (In that Spy case) with a record for subversive activities since 1133 got only 18 months Margie Hart tha atrip tease specialist will apply for membfrahlp in the A eligible because bar meter Is one by wee the meeting with a certain Washington big-wlg (planned for Jan 1st at and which was to bo attended by Commy chiefs) switched? Within two months two appointments will bo made The Aral will probably bo Wm Lewie of CBS who will coordinate all nears outfits newspapers and syndicates) The second appointee (probably Darryl Zanuck) to handle the icreen The Idea te not censorship but a closer no fighting eac toother Kd Wynn and Eleanor Schramm very lovely blonde have It bad and it aura la good Paul Flato tho gem merchant and Eva Leb menu are Fore end Aft! Tha pay for them in long and run jut aren't going to etan NEWS OF YESTERYEARS Interesting Newe Items Teken Frost the Files ef The Enterprise Ten end Twenty-Five Year Ago i i it If I 1 1 i ff for a piece of tho college trade Competition? Not a decent feed-joint at a reasonable price tor 50 miles either way The gaseerlm have nothing but Bar-B-Q stuff take it or leave it and advise leaving it Start a classy feederte here and set It may not be a sight draft on the Treasury but it hay either By the way the Hairy Ainu and why do you keep him in a rite said Its won't bother you an Indian-digger" "You mean a Digger Indian do a professor or something at Wellivtr "Did he just happen in and build that picket fence around "No aome sort of ancient lease that gives tha university a right to dig holm in my say we go over and investigate him?" She shook her hood "Not interested I like whiskers You talk to A signed work of art by Welli-ver University warmly inviting me and everybody else to keep out stared me in the face Y7EL1 was prepared tor whiskers but this bird looked like the bench id the House of David Above the waist he wote a pair of aun-gtessei "Good afternoon Prof" I said He leaned on hte pick do you lie said "Didn't you seo the "Sure I saw tha sign" I raid Weill ver University stand on formality with a neighbor I just dropped In to tell you that lunch will be served in toe dining car at 12 "Thank he said "I brought my own No "In that I said and He took off hte glasses to blink at me Nice eyes I noticed "You by any chance one of my dear little pupils masquerading tor an initiation stunt are Johnny Griggs the ace mike believer) are rehearsing lullabab tea Ins Ray beautiful cat was grabbed by sheriffs for alleged debts to praise agents Seward Collins the former mag publisher who always denied that ha hitched his wagon to a swastl-wa dosed hte book shop right after war was declared Coincidence no doubt Most disappointing car ownaru will be tho who turned their old ones In after being promised replacements Is Elln-aon says so usual the Jap opened tha allow (and stole tho bows) but well finish It TbA I sal Thi I Mid to bo tho plan now being set up in Washington to unravel the Civilian Defenae me Tha actual Air-Raid Division will bo controlled by the Army The Division will bo monitored by the Red Cross James Farley (or Willklel) to Inherit all tha defenae duties now held by La-Guard Li John limousine le decorated on ihe rear by a British emblem the familiar JoMtta Daly the deb glamour girl and Roul Kellson are buying bonds together Don Bruce le convoying Hope Qjrroll Maggl McNellis the thrush and a Baldwin piano exec ere Ship Ahooeyi hlmage et the Browns of Grant Keck The mamma is the former Dori Kerr CBSlnger Hlldegsrde despite her tortured throat rates 8how-MutQo-Onor-abla mention Add suggestions for poopte who talk too much about war secrets: Bo Dumb Jnit Bo How ab-Mit thlLpnei' That's Add one-word re cruiting slogans and to sell defense bonds (In honor of those 888 Marines): "WAKE Tha Eustachian canal ia located ia' the human ear and ia a tube leading from the ear to the pharynx "Old Mom Baumer a adver-' I said and handed out my card "Thank he mid over and try the I said on too bourn this Well could am that bo didn't want to but be figure how to get out of it I put up a first-clam toed tor him and ha liked it As a conversationalist ha was hard going Byt I dredged out of him that he was Assistant Professor of Amerind Ethnology over at Weill ver on a special assignment to excavate tor relics was delicate work nobody but an expert could be trusted with it He was all wrapped up In it you could see much rather have been let alone to think about it while he at than have to talk to mm So I handed him one must be a reason tor whiskers like yours Professor" ho eaid I expect looked startled tor he went on kind of hurriedly you know It keeps them "Are you going to be here right asked he said month is up in a tow days Then I go back to my ctemwork But ox- pect to be working here weekends Thom are very fine batter cakes -Mrs I figured that maybe wan me a boarder The hour after lunch put in looking around tho plantation -The grand old place was all gone to seed Thera had been a gate of wind the week before and the broad lawn In front was all clattered The garden was a Jungle barn a shell smokehouse a wreck and half ths stable had fallen in Tha house any better A -person with a busted glam aye could sm that the whole show wm headed for the junkpile It seem right for anything as young and fresh and vivid as Jane Ana Jiuteon to be buried in the land- slide One of the things I had to find out wai why aha was there all by herself So I invited her to upper (Te Be Continued) YOUR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES Some DON'T prepare your income tax return until you carefully read and understand the instructions accompanying tho forma Make out a work-sheet and check it with tha Instructions before filling In the forma delay jp making out your income tax return Tax problems doserva careful gtudy and tha early assembling of your data expedites thi DON'T if your gross income If 53000 or leu and is wholly from alary wages or other compensation for personal services dividends Interest rent annuities or royalties file your return on Form 1040 without carefully considering the option to flic tho simplified Form 1040A since tho filing of your return on either form In such' cum constitutes an election which prevents you from filing an amended return on the other form overlook the fact that for tho majority of taxpayers the tax for 1841 will be two or three times much tor 1940 and that It te Important for yon to save out of your weekly or monthly earning or vtherwteo provide a sufficient amount to pay your tax when It becomes due For tho calendar year 1941 tha tax I payable on or before March 16 1143 or It may ba paid in four equal Installment on or before Match 16 June 15 September 15 and December 15 1941 respectively If any Installment le not paid when due the whole amount of the tax unpaid la required' to bo paid upon notie and demand from tho Collector 1 DONT omit any explanation or information that la essential to complete audit of your return An ounce of cere may mvi you a pound of fennccesrary expanse and time and annoyance both to- yon and to your Government this water for 600000 pereone but few of the houses could oven have a basem*nt for protection Wooden houses line streets ao narrow two autos cannot pass About 22-000 persona lived in tha 22 acres of the old welled city If MacArthur had subjected this indefensible firetrep to bombing he would have been guilty of an inhuman crime Pravda with only the Red government as its source ef news continues te be the were! informed paper in the world ALTER INCHELL (Trads Mark assists roS Copyright IStf Daily Mirror) MAX ABOUT T0WX Jessie plight (her breakdown forced her out of the Lady Conies musical) has brought a mint of coin from British players to the 8 Klla Fltagerald became a bride in St Louie after an eight-month romance Ann Stanton ths charmer started the New Year by giving up Frank Parker the tenor The big robbery of Bob Scott 101018 four backs Toots 8hor and Knight flatad it out over at the Copacabans Mary Kirk Brown Insists that shiner came from a door walking into her Hike Romanoff will get 1350 from fan mag to tell about hit last wk Haiel Forbes tha Royal Palma redhead will marry Nevins of The 8 Sons In March One syndicate baa ordered its eolyumists to shave their stuff one-third because of anticipated newsprint shortage It's a boy tor the eitranged maestro Charlie Barnetts (Harriet Clark) at Dra Hdkp NBC hushed a terrific fracas in when an announced-producer and an ad agency exec slugged each other all over tha place after a name-calling sprae Don Be tor the batoneer has filed suit for 50 Qs against Jack Benny's program By William Ferguson OATS FLV AAORB EVPCRTU THAM Jl-0 the south coast of Central America) United States are unable because of a quirk in the naturalisation laws to serve in the United Statea military force Filipinos born in tbs United Statea are elti sens but there are aome 20 INK) of them who were born in the islands now reside in the United States but who era not under present law allowed to enter -military service under the flag For many years then baa been an increasingly close bond between Flllpinoa and Americana This bond ia now being cemented in blood When congress gate back to work it might well consider a law providing for enlistment of these eagrt Filipinos in the forces with further provision for their citixenship on honorable discharge GIGGLE CORNER A wan was riding up to hia office in an elevator when lud- denly someone in back of him gave him a terrific clap on the back He turned around and demanded the idea?" said the guy "I though you were my friend "Ia that a reason to hit mo on the bark like Tha fellow looked him np end down "What the he said you rare what I do to my friend ByRwLMALlQN World Copyright 'IMS by Kin soturoo Syndicate Inc oil righto rooorvod Noprodustlon In full or In port otrictly prohlbltsd WASHINGTON Jan I A phony optimism ia springing up In this country' It ia being fed by extravagant Russian communiques end oft-repeated roaecolored observations about our chances In the far east Ae background for the Red communiques just remember that an ordinary winter would cover the fighting front in Russia with 8 to 12 feet of snow along about now certainty within a week or two Only the southernmost front can be excepted and do not forget the Crimea at the southern tip ia at far north of the equator as Nova Scotia and Minneapolis The Black Sea keeps it relatively warm but tha whole central and northern fronts will become stabilised for winter shortly it is reasonable to expect Then will come spring and another campaign Na she blames the Reds foq making aa much propaganda as possible put of their astonishing successes but for our people to use It aa a guide ia foolish hi In war people have a tendency ta believe only what fils la with their wishes They should know officials here now are aayingt "We can lose this They meaa we can lose it right now by slipping into a condition of unreal security the same false sense which prevented our rearmament in time The public should be aware of these following possibilities which must occupy tno military mind: If the Nasi get the French fleet we will he outnumbered in the Atlantic aa wa now are in the Pacific Nearest Jap base to Hawaii la twice u' close as our nearest base which may prove to be a very im po-tant fact when the Philippines fall It requires 88 days to send pursuit plane or tank by boat to Singapore through the Indian ocean What of the morale of our troops in tha Philippines after they had been' yowling for months for i I The word must be abandoned for the duration Corregidor la merely a well pre- pared fortran open to bombing Ithatanding siege until the last man ia gone The capable only of wll British really only figured to hold Hongkong for six weeks or so because the million inhabitants (moatly Chinese) had to rely for water upon reservoirs on the open hillsides held only by concrete dame The Japs got them in half that time Singapore ia the only really well defended spot in the far east yet it ie open to the air At least a six months supply of oil and is supposed to be cached yond the reach of bombs far below surface Nothing on the face ef this earth is impregnable new unleae you have supremacy ia the air at that point The practically anything ia impregnable When Prmvdm one of Die official Rad newspapers (there are no others in Russia) accused General MacArthur of cowardice tn declaring Manila an open city to save it from bombing no one here even looked up Pravda wanted to know why it wee not defended like Leningrad and Moscow If Pravda had asked anyone who has been to Manila or looked tha city up in the encyclopedia it would have found it The ground of Manila is almost level with the bay The water table ie three feet below the sur face Not only wee it impossible to dig air raid shelter down into This Curious World "inratHSk ICON THB JSSTi AOfffi' OR AOC7JV COAST oeaocwoR emvHMd AMERICA ANO TOUCHES THE ATXAVWC OR teOWC Salvador la on touching the Pacific TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO CHsit bee sold hie Interest lu the Bartlesville Furniture company to A Muenrhmeyer who la now sole owner Mr Halt has purchased control of a furniture business lu Independence but will etlU have charge of hia large second bend end new furniture business et West Third and Keeler Bailey 101 Jennings avenue aged 81 passed ewey at bom today General debility was the muse of bis death Maybe the position of eounty physician will go begging unless the county oommlMloneni adopt another plan of appointing a physician to the place They have advertised for bids' but are receiving none Mrs gam McCollum loft for Ocbelata this morning when she will reside In tho -future Another divorce suit has been filed John Denforth! asks for divorce from Bessie Danforth chart Ing desertion The couple wat SIDE GLANUES you know a nice resort for plain people like i place where everybody doesnt have lobe un-athlete or a ha tuna beautyr if A i'l Vue: life 7 jttm 'i vf- p- i' Tt -Hvmuffiafrtoiri.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.